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What Is the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) Test?
The HBRI is a pre-employment cognitive assessment administered by Hogan. It is designed to assess candidates’ problem-solving and reasoning abilities and is used primarily in the selection process of management and leadership roles.
The test contains 24 questions, and while it is untimed, candidates are expected to work as fast as possible, with an estimated time of 25-30 minutes to complete.
As the name suggests, most questions are given in a business-related context.
Test Structure and Question Format
The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory test contains 24 questions to be solved as fast as you can.
The questions on the test are very versatile but can be divided into 9 types in two main categories – qualitative and quantitative reasoning.
In the Scoring section we explain more on qualitative and quantitative reasoning. In the Free Practice section we provide sample questions for each type on the HBRI test.
HBRI Qualitative Reasoning Question Types
- Data visualization
- Verbal reasoning, including:
- Reading comprehension
- Analogies
- Syllogisms
- TFC (True/False/Cannot Say)
- Mechanical reasoning
HBRI Quantitative Reasoning Question Types
- Tables and graphs
- Word problems
- Spatial reasoning
Get the Most Accurate HBRI Prep Course
JobTestPrep’s HBRI Test Preparation provides you with the best prep solution available on the market today.
What Do You Get?
- 5 Full Hogan HBRI simulations
- Over 40 additional practice tests: numerical, verbal & abstract reasoning
- Math & verbal guides and tutorials
- Supplementary guides & practice drills

Full Disclosure: We are affiliated with JobTestPrep. Clicking the links helps us provide you with high-quality, ad-free content.
What Does the HBRI Test Measure?
As the test name suggests, the HBRI assesses business reasoning – the ability to define and solve complex problems. Business reasoning is divided into two main types of reasoning, measured separately by the HBRI:
- Qualitative reasoning (formerly “strategic thinking”) – solving problems logically using visual and verbal information.
- Quantitative reasoning (formerly “tactical thinking”) – solving problems using numerical and spatial data.
Your combined score on both these reasoning types will determine which type of thinker you are. See more in the Scoring section.
HBRI Test Interface
Here is an illustration of what your HBRI test screen is going to look like:

- There are 3-4 answer options for each question.
- You must answer all questions on the test.
- You cannot revisit answered questions.
- Unlike most cognitive tests, the clock counts forward. Therefore, even though the test is officially untimed, your time is measured.
- Calculators are not allowed, scratch paper is.
HBRI Test Free Practice
The following free sample HBRI test covers all 8 main question types on the test.
See if you do better on the qualitative or quantitative questions, so you know where to put your preparation effort!
The HBRI test is officially untimed, but you are expected to solve these 8 questions in around 8 minutes.
Good luck!
HBRI Quantitative Reasoning Question Types
Question #1 – Tables and Graphs

Answer and Explanation
The correct answer is B.
This question is a graph analogy question, one of the many types of graphs and tables questions on the HBRI.
In this example, the pie chart and the bar graph need to show the same ratios between the four components.
In the given pair (on the left), the ratios are approximately 35% (A), 35% (B), 20% (C), and 10% (D).
In the pie chart to the right, the ratios are approximately 30% (A), 20% (B), 20% (C), and 30% (D).
The only bar graph showing the same ratios is graph B.
Pro Tip
Tables and graphs questions on the HBRI test are usually not super challenging but are VERY versatile. They may come in numerous formats, and it is important to become familiar with as many of these formats as possible.
Question #2 – Word Problems
Three teams work in the sales department at your company. The average sales goal for this year is $20,000 per employee. Team A has three employees and overall yearly sales of $54,000. Team B has five employees and overall yearly sales of $100,000.
If team C has three employees, what should its yearly sales be so that the department achieves its goal?
- $60,000
- $66,000
- $84,000
- $106,000
Answer and Explanation
The correct answer is B – $66,000.
Here’s a simple and quick solving method using only the averages.
- Team A has average sales of $18,000 per employee (54/3 = 18).
- Team B has average sales of $20,000 per employee (100/5 = 20). We can therefore take this team out of the calculation.
- Team C has the exact same number of employees as team A, so for the average sales per employee of both teams adds up to $20,000, the average sales per employee of team C must be $22,000.
Therefore, the overall sales of team C must be $22,000 x 3 = $66,000.
We can also calculate this in full, using an equation:
(54,000 + 100,000 + C) / 11 = 20,000
(54 + 100 + C) / 11 = 20
C = 66,000
Pro Tip
While the HBRI test is officially untimed, the clock counts forward. This means that the faster your solving time is, the better your eventual score will be.
Question #3 – Spatial Reasoning
If multiple trains travel between stations in both directions, time travel between every two stations is the same, and changing trains takes no time, which route is the fastest between A and B?

- Lines 2, 3, 4
- Only line 2
- Lines 2, 3
- Lines 2, 3, 2
Answer and Explanation
The correct answer is A – lines 2, 3, 4.
That route includes 5 stations, as follows:
- Travel one station north on line 2 and change to line 3. Travel two stations east and change to line 4. Travel one station north to reach station B.
Let’s take a look at the other answers:
- B – Travelling only on line 2 will require going through 6 stations.
- C – Since line 3 does not reach station B, this answer is incorrect.
- D – Travelling on lines 2, 3, 2 will require going through 6 stations (travel one station north on line 2 and change to line 3. Travel three stations east and change to line 2. Travel two stations north to reach station B).
Get the Most Accurate HBRI Prep Course
JobTestPrep’s HBRI Test Preparation provides you with the best prep solution available on the market today.
What Do You Get?
- 5 Full Hogan HBRI simulations
- Over 40 additional practice tests: numerical, verbal & abstract reasoning
- Math & verbal guides and tutorials
- Supplementary guides & practice drills

Full Disclosure: We are affiliated with JobTestPrep. Clicking the links helps us provide you with high-quality, ad-free content.
HBRI Qualitative Practice Questions
Question #4 – Data Visualization
Daily Cleaning Chores for Volunteers
John |
Jack |
Jill |
Monday |
#,& |
@ |
Off |
Tuesday |
Off |
#,& |
@ |
Wednesday |
& |
@ |
# |
Thursday |
@ |
# |
& |
Friday |
& |
Off |
@,# |
Saturday |
? |
? |
? |
Sunday |
Off |
Off |
Off |
# – Kitchen
& – Toilet
@ – Yard
Given the pattern of cleaning chores, and assuming that all volunteers do the same number of chores every week, what will Jill clean on Saturday?
- The toilet
- Either the toilet or the yard
- The kitchen
- None of the above
Answer and Explanation
The correct answer is A – the toilet.
The chores pattern follows two rules:
- Every day (except for Sunday), all three chores must be completed.
- A volunteer cannot perform the same chore day after day.
Given these constraints, on Saturday each of the three volunteers must do one chore (each did 5 chores during Monday-Friday). As such, since Jill had already cleaned both the kitchen and the yard on Friday, on Saturday she can only clean the toilet.
Pro Tip
Data visualization is indeed somewhat synonymous with “graphs and tables”. However, in the HBRI test, these questions focus more on pattern recognition than on actual numbers.
Question #5 – Verbal Reasoning (Reading Comprehension)
Last year we have finally seen substantial growth in some of the company’s emerging departments. Results are especially encouraging in the digital marketing department, in which revenue has more than doubled over the last year, and in the planning & design department, whose revenue is up nearly 300% since last year.
These figures serve more than just a self-pat on the back. Important insight for future endeavors can be gained. Primarily, that a well-executed idea will eventually take off, even if some patience is required.
What can be deduced from the passage?
- All of the company’s emerging departments were a success.
- The company should invest more resources in the digital marketing and planning & design departments.
- The digital marketing and planning & design departments did not succeed initially.
- The company has been dealing with digital marketing for many years.
Answer and Explanation
The correct answer is C.
That can be deduced from combining several pieces in the text:
- Last year we have finally seen substantial growth in…. emerging departments.
- …a well-executed idea will eventually take off, even if some patience is required.
Answer A is incorrect:
- …substantial growth in some of the company’s emerging departments.
Answer B is incorrect:
- No recommendation is given in the text to come to such a conclusion.
Answer D is incorrect:
- The described departments are emerging departments – i.e., new departments revolving around a new business idea or activity. Therefore, their activity could not have been years-long.
Pro Tip
Reading comprehension questions on the HBRI are complex and often require understanding the context and meaning of whole texts rather than specific points.
Question #6 – Verbal Reasoning (Analogies)
Losses are to risk as profits are to ______.
- Pain
- Effort
- Money
- Opportunity
Answer and Explanation
The correct answer is D – Opportunity.
You are at risk of having losses as you have an opportunity to make profits.
Question #7 – Verbal Reasoning (Syllogisms)
All employees must show up for work tomorrow unless they have worked the night shift. If none of the night shift workers are analysts, which of the following must be true?
- No analysts must show up for work tomorrow.
- Any analyst that works for the company must show up for work tomorrow.
- All those who must show up for work tomorrow are not analysts.
- All employees who did not work the night shift are analysts.
Answer and Explanation
The correct answer is B.
Combining the two given statements, we know that no analyst is exempt from showing up for work (since no analyst has worked the night shift).
That statement is equal to “Any analyst that works for the company must show up for work tomorrow.”
Answers A and C are incorrect since they directly contradict answer B.
Answer D is incorrect since:
all those who did work the night shift were not analysts IS NOT EQUAL TO all those who did not work the night shift were analysts.
Pro Tip
Syllogisms questions on the HBRI test may come in the form of a “following statement” (as the example above), or in the form of a TFC (True/False/Cannot Say) question. Familiarity with some basic rules of formal logic can tremendously help.
Question #8 – Mechanical Reasoning
Which wheel will have a higher rpm (revolutions per minute)?

- Wheel A
- Wheel B
- Both will have the same rpm.
Answer and Explanation
The correct answer is C.
When two wheels are connected by a belt, the wheel with the smaller radius (B) will have a higher rotational velocity (and therefore, a higher rpm). That is because both wheels have the same linear velocities in the contact points of the belt.
HBRI Test Scoring
How Is the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory Test Scored?
The HBRI test scores your qualitative and quantitative reasoning and calculates an overall business reasoning score. That score is given as a percentile score.
Based on your combined performance in both subscales, the test will determine “which type of thinker you are”:

The Four Thinker Types Assessed by the Hogan HBRI
- Expedient Thinker – low on both subscales. An intuitive thinker who mostly makes the easier, faster choice.
- Contextual Thinker – high on qualitative, low on quantitative. Can see the big-picture-problem, but not the details of how to solve it.
- Analytic Thinker – high on quantitative, low on qualitative. Can see the measures to tackle a specific problem but cannot put them in a broader context.
- Critical Thinker – high on both subscales. Can both put problems in context and solve them effectively in short-term steps.
Get the Most Accurate HBRI Prep Course
JobTestPrep’s HBRI Test Preparation provides you with the best prep solution available on the market today.
What Do You Get?
- 5 Full Hogan HBRI simulations
- Over 40 additional practice tests: numerical, verbal & abstract reasoning
- Math & verbal guides and tutorials
- Supplementary guides & practice drills

Full Disclosure: We are affiliated with JobTestPrep. Clicking the links helps us provide you with high-quality, ad-free content.
You can learn more on HBRI scoring in this sample HBRI score report.
What Is a Good Score on the HBRI Test?
As mentioned above, the HBRI assessment aims to find only critical thinkers. While Hogan estimates that around 25% of test-takers are critical thinkers, naturally those with the highest scores will be selected.
Answering all 24 questions on the test correctly will put you on the top 6% – which is entirely attainable.
HBRI Test Tips
Considering all the unique features of the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory Test, here are 4 tips for acing it:
Tip #1 – Practice Versatilely
The questions on the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory mostly do not require complex calculations or thought processes.
However, they require you to quickly identify and understand problems. One of the distinct features of this test is the multiple and unique ways in which problems are presented – especially visually.
Sharpen your ability to recognize ideas depicted in test questions by exposing yourself to as many question types as possible.
Tip #2 – Solving Speed Matters
As we’ve previously mentioned, the HBRI test is mostly used for screening candidates for high-level jobs (especially management). Therefore, you will be competing against top performers.
According to Hogan, around 6% of HBRI test-takers get all 24 questions correct. Compared with other cognitive assessments, this is quite high.
As such, a high solving speed will give you an advantage over other candidates and get on top of the competition.
Tip #3 – Keep the Following Tests in Mind
The HBRI test is usually followed by other assessments throughout the hiring process.
Most commonly these tests will include Hogan’s personality assessment, the HPI (Hogan Personality Inventory) or the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices test.
If and when you purchase a preparation pack for the HBRI, it is recommended to get yourself covered for these tests as well.
Tip #4 – Keep Reasoning Types in Mind
The Hogan HBRI test assesses two types of reasoning – qualitative and quantitative. These types represent two separate “modes” of thinking.
Each of these reasoning types is measured by different questions on the HBRI test (see more about HBRI question types in the Test Overview section) and will be scored separately.
It is therefore recommended to keep track of your scores on both qualitative quantitative reasoning and focus your efforts on where you need to improve more.
HBRI Test Preparation
There is currently only one viable prep option for the HBRI Test – JobTestPrep’s tailored HBRI Prep Course.
Below we will give you all the reasons why this is the ONLY prep course you should choose. All screenshots are taken from the preparation course.
Full Disclosure: We are affiliated with JobTestPrep. Clicking the links helps us provide you with high-quality, ad-free content.
Tailored Question Types
JobTestPrep’s HBRI Test Preparation is the only available prep course that accurately replicates all the various, unique question types you will encounter on the HBRI test. That includes tables and graphs, data visualization, and more.

Authentic Mock Tests
The practice tests are tailored to the actual HBRI test in terms of level of difficulty, format, timing, and structure. That allows you a first-hand testing experience before the actual assessment.
Get the Most Accurate HBRI Prep Course
JobTestPrep’s HBRI Test Preparation provides you with the best prep solution available on the market today.
What Do You Get?
- 5 Full Hogan HBRI simulations
- Over 40 additional practice tests: numerical, verbal & abstract reasoning
- Math & verbal guides and tutorials
- Supplementary guides & practice drills
Start Preparing Now
Full Disclosure: We are affiliated with JobTestPrep. Clicking the links helps us provide you with high-quality, ad-free content.
Personalized Score Reports
Track your progress and solving speed with personalized score reports, including detailed answers to all questions.

Includes Preparation to Follow-Up Tests
The HBRI will usually be taken as a collection of tests, most commonly the HPI and the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices. JobTestPrep’s HBRI Test Prep allows you to prepare for all these tests together.